Demystifying JavaScript: Call Stack, Event Loop, and Execution Context

Ayush Gour
3 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

JavaScript, despite being single-threaded, can handle asynchronous tasks with remarkable efficiency. This magic is achieved through a complex interplay of three key concepts: the call stack, the event loop, and the execution context. Understanding these concepts is crucial for writing clean, maintainable, and performant JavaScript code.

1. Call Stack: The Order of Operations

Imagine a stack of plates. Each plate represents a function call in progress. When you call a function, its execution context (containing local variables, arguments, and the function itself) is added as a new plate on top of the stack. As the function executes, the JavaScript engine works its way down the stack, line by line. When the function returns, its plate is removed from the stack, and execution resumes with the function that called it. This LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) order ensures that nested function calls are handled correctly.

Example of the Call Stack in Action

Consider the following JavaScript code:

function greet(name) {
console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

function sayHi() {

When this code is executed, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. The sayHi() function is called, adding its execution context to the top of the call stack.
  2. Inside sayHi(), the greet() function is called with the argument "Alice". This adds another execution context to the call stack.
  3. The greet() function executes, printing "Hello, Alice!" to the console.
  4. The greet() function returns, and its execution context is removed from the call stack.
  5. The sayHi() function resumes execution, but it has no more work to do, so it returns.
  6. The sayHi() function's execution context is removed from the call stack, leaving the main program execution context at the top.

2. Execution Context: The Local Scope

Execution context refers to the environment where a piece of JavaScript code is currently being executed. It’s like a container that holds all the information relevant to the current function call, including:

  • Local Variables: Variables declared within the function itself.
  • Arguments: Values passed to the function when it was called.
  • this keyword: Refers to the object that the function is currently associated with.
  • Function: The code of the function itself.

How Execution Context Works

When a function is called, a new execution context is created on top of the call stack. As the function executes, the JavaScript engine works its way down the stack, line by line.

3. Event Loop: Handling Asynchronous Operations

Javscript Event loop by learncodeonline

JavaScript’s single-threaded nature means it can only execute one function at a time. However, the world is full of asynchronous tasks like network requests, timers, and user interactions. This is where the event loop comes in. It continuously monitors two queues:

  • Callback Queue: This queue holds functions waiting to be executed after asynchronous operations complete.
  • Job Queue: This queue is specifically for promises and microtasks, which are often used for internal JavaScript operations.

The event loop checks the call stack first. If it’s empty, it moves to the callback queue, takes the first function, and pushes it onto the call stack for execution. This ensures that asynchronous operations don’t block the main thread, allowing the user interface to remain responsive.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for:

  • Debugging: Knowing the order of function calls and the scope of variables can help you pinpoint errors in your code.
  • Writing asynchronous code: The event loop and callback queue are essential for handling asynchronous operations efficiently.
  • Optimizing performance: By understanding how the call stack and event loop work, you can avoid blocking the main thread and improve the responsiveness of your web applications.


The call stack, event loop, and execution context are fundamental building blocks of JavaScript’s runtime environment. By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and performant JavaScript code.

Hope this post will help you to improve your understanding of call stacks and event loop. Feel free to post your views in the comments.



Ayush Gour
Ayush Gour

Written by Ayush Gour

Software Developer | Technical Enthusiast | Loves to share meaningful content to help people learn something valuable in their life.

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